Hi there cute people!
It’s been a while since we wrote anything on here since we have had so much going on! We are in the last weeks of production for ”Little Misfortune” and our next step is to finish the Beta, which we are aiming to get done by 1st of March.
These six remaining weeks towards our goal will be intense with lots of things to do, but we are actually a little bit ahead in our schedule which feels nice!
Jessica and Natalia have completed all the backgrounds, right now there are just some small details that are being fixed by Natalia as she goes through the ”Quality Assurance” part. Once the background has been “approved” it is being handed to Elsa who exports it so that Isak and Harald can put it in the game.
Anton is continuing to port Fran Bow to Unity3d, and is right now working on Chapter 3. It’s coming along really good!
Once a week, until we complete the Beta version, we will update you guys with a video! We document our work progress in the KMG team, include little teasers from the game and talk about what we are working on at the moment. You can watch our two previous videos below:
Isak is also creating a lot of new music for the game! It’s really magical to see Little Misfortune come alive with music and also sounds (which our sound technician, Henry, works on). Last week we released a little teaser of a song that is included in “Little Misfortune Original Soundtrack” by Isak. It hasn’t yet gone through any mastering or mixing, but it might give you a little hint of how the game will sound when it’s finished.
So that was what we had to say this time. We want to thank all of you for staying around and following us in this journey! It has been going on for more than two years now, and we can’t wait to show you the final result. It’s going to be amazing!
Much love and hugs to you,
/The Killmonday Team