Hello lovelies! We hope you are all well. The first week of September has just begun and just today we’re altogether six(!) people working at the Killmonday Games. Natalia and Jessica are working on the art for Little Misfortune, Isak and Harald programming, Alexandra is continuing to port Fran Bow to Unity3D, and then there’s me, Elsa, writing this. And a lot of other things, actually…

With a full packed office we’re hoping that Little Misfortune can gain progress in maximum speed. Right now main focusis on the trailer, that is planned for release in November. And if the development advances in this pace Little Misfortune will be out in early 2019 (right now in seven different languages besides from English: German, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese and Swedish. Wiiiiiee!! :D) We’re really looking forward to release the game and we hope that you will love it as much as we do! I can promise you, it’s looking really good.
Wishing you all a nice week!
Much love, Killmonday Games